





  • How to Find a Qualified Psychologist in Trivandrum
    Mental health is important for everyone. If you are struggling with your mental health, talking to a psychologist can help. Here are some steps on how to find a psychologist in Trivandrum: If you are looking for a psychologist in Trivandrum, I recommend checking out Healmind. They are a reputable mental health clinic with a […]

Counselling in Kozhikode

Mental Health

  • Anxiety? Explore the 5 Mindfulness Techniques for You.
    Anxiety? Explore the 5 Mindfulness Techniques for You. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly on edge, bombarded by a never-ending stream of worries? Daily anxieties can chip away at our peace of mind, leaving us feeling drained and out of control. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Anxiety is a widespread experience, affecting […]
  • Breaking the Stigma: Malayalam Mental Health Services in UAE
    Understanding and taking care of our mental health is super important for our overall well-being. Sometimes, though, there’s this thing called stigma that can make people hesitate to reach out for the support they deserve. It’s even trickier for folks living in a new country, like our friends who speak Malayalam in the UAE. But […]
  • Finding Peace of Mind: The Mental Health Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
    Discover how mindfulness and meditation can improve your mental health. Learn about the benefits of these practices for stress management, anxiety, and depression in this informative blog post.
  • Mental Health Resources: Where to Seek Help and Support
    In a world that never stops, it’s essential to remember that your mental health matters. Just as we care for our physical well-being, nurturing our mental health is equally important. Life can throw us challenges that may feel overwhelming at times, but there’s always help and support available. So, if you or someone you know […]
  • Navigating the Journey: Understanding and Overcoming Postpartum Depression
    Ā Find help, prioritize self-care, and be focused on the good things in your lives.Ā Remember that you’re an excellent parent, and there are brighter days in the near future.Ā 
  • Strong Conversations: How to Talk About Mental Health with Loved Ones
    Struggling loved one? Learn how to talk about mental health & break down stigma. Healmind offers therapists & support for a healthier you
  • What is ADHD – Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ?
    ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, an intricate brain condition affecting about 11% of children and nearly 5% of adults in the United States.1 ADHD is a developmental disruption in executive function in the brain. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder impacts a person’s behaviour, can make them overactive, and have difficulty acting on impulses and paying attention. Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also struggle with poor self-esteem, difficult relationships, and low academic achievement. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic illness affecting millions of children, often continuing into adulthood.

Online Counselling

  • Anxiety? Explore the 5 Mindfulness Techniques for You.
    Anxiety? Explore the 5 Mindfulness Techniques for You. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly on edge, bombarded by a never-ending stream of worries? Daily anxieties can chip away at our peace of mind, leaving us feeling drained and out of control. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Anxiety is a widespread experience, affecting […]
  • Benefits of Online Counselling for Mental Health Care
    The Importance of Online Counselling Online counselling is a form of counselling that is conducted over the internet. Online counselling can be beneficial for people who are unable to attend a traditional face-to-face counselling session due to geographical location, lack of transportation, or other reasons. A lot of people are turning to online counselling because […]
  • Breaking the Stigma: Malayalam Mental Health Services in UAE
    Understanding and taking care of our mental health is super important for our overall well-being. Sometimes, though, there’s this thing called stigma that can make people hesitate to reach out for the support they deserve. It’s even trickier for folks living in a new country, like our friends who speak Malayalam in the UAE. But […]
  • Family counselling Kerala
    counselling at home If a client is unable to come to the centre, we can provide counselling at home or in your office. We can also visit you at your home if you donā€™t wish to travel. Online counselling Online counselling is a way of providing counselling services to people who are unable to attend […]
  • Finding Hope and Healing: Healmind’s Online Counseling for Depression
    Depression may be a formidable adversary, but with the right support and guidance, individuals like Sarah can find their way back to a fulfilling, joyful life
  • Finding Peace of Mind: The Mental Health Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
    Discover how mindfulness and meditation can improve your mental health. Learn about the benefits of these practices for stress management, anxiety, and depression in this informative blog post.
  • Finding the Right Psychologist for Online Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide
    Key steps to finding the perfect online psychologist for your mental health needs. Explore qualifications, specialization, compatibility
  • How do I prepare for online therapy ?
    Preparing for your online therapy sessions is essential for getting the most out of your time with therapist. Hereā€™s what you can do to make sure youā€™re prepared. Find a quiet, private space Find a quiet, private space. We recommend that you find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed for the duration […]
  • How long does therapy take?
    Finding a therapist was one of the best decisions of my life. At the time, I had been struggling with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (although I didnā€™t know thatā€™s what I was experiencing), an eating disorder
  • How to know if therapy is working
    Itā€™s important to remember that therapy is a practice. Itā€™s not a science, itā€™s not a quick fix, and itā€™s not the same for every single person.
  • Is online counseling Safe ?
    In the age of COVID-19, more and more people have turned to online counselling for their support, for a number of reasons. For some people, it’s simply easier to talk about what’s going on in their lives with a therapist over Zoom than it is to get dressed up and sit in an office. For […]
  • Is online therapy as effective as face-to-face therapy?
    Introduction The question of whether online therapy is as effective as face-to-face therapy has been the subject of discussion for several years–and it’s a great question. While there are no studies to compare the two, we do have studies that show that each can be beneficial in different ways. before starting go through What to […]
  • malayalam online counselling
    Introduction Counselling can be provided in many forms like online, tele counselling in Kerala, face to face and group therapy. Counselling is a process that helps people to overcome personal problems and make them to lead their lives successfully. MALAYALAM TELE COUNSELING IN KERALA Online counselling in Malayalam language is available for all the people […]
  • Mental Health Resources: Where to Seek Help and Support
    In a world that never stops, it’s essential to remember that your mental health matters. Just as we care for our physical well-being, nurturing our mental health is equally important. Life can throw us challenges that may feel overwhelming at times, but there’s always help and support available. So, if you or someone you know […]
  • Navigating the Journey: Understanding and Overcoming Postpartum Depression
    Ā Find help, prioritize self-care, and be focused on the good things in your lives.Ā Remember that you’re an excellent parent, and there are brighter days in the near future.Ā 
  • Online Counseling in Kozhikode: Benefits, Challenges, and How to Find the Best Therapist
    In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of online counseling in Kozhikode, and provide tips to find the therapist
  • Online Therapy and Online Psychology Services 2023
    Online therapy is a convenient alternative to in-person therapy and is similar in many ways to face-to-face therapy.
  • Online Therapy Revolution: Exploring the Future of Mental Health Care
    Discover the future of online counseling and how it is revolutionizing the mental health industry. Explore the benefits, challenges, and emerging trends in teletherapy. Stay ahead of the curve and embrace the transformative power of technology for counseling.
  • Strong Conversations: How to Talk About Mental Health with Loved Ones
    Struggling loved one? Learn how to talk about mental health & break down stigma. Healmind offers therapists & support for a healthier you
  • The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Psychologist in Kerala
    Why You Need a Psychologist ? A psychologist is a mental health professional who helps individuals, groups, and organizations understand their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Psychologist Kerala is a mental health professional who helps individuals, groups, and organizations understand their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They help people with emotional or behavioral difficulties to lead more […]
  • What is ADHD – Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ?
    ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, an intricate brain condition affecting about 11% of children and nearly 5% of adults in the United States.1 ADHD is a developmental disruption in executive function in the brain. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder impacts a person’s behaviour, can make them overactive, and have difficulty acting on impulses and paying attention. Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also struggle with poor self-esteem, difficult relationships, and low academic achievement. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic illness affecting millions of children, often continuing into adulthood.
  • What is virtual counselling ?
    We are passionate about providing the best in virtual therapy. We want to help you overcome and manage your mental health concerns – no matter where you are or what time of day it is.
  • What to expect from therapy ?
    Therapy is a process of healing that is done by a trained professional. The therapist uses several techniques to help the client address their problems and feelings. During therapy, you will learn new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that are healthy. The goal is to develop skills that will allow you to feel better about yourself and your life overall.



  • How to Find a Qualified Psychologist in Trivandrum
    Mental health is important for everyone. If you are struggling with your mental health, talking to a psychologist can help. Here are some steps on how to find a psychologist in Trivandrum: If you are looking for a psychologist in Trivandrum, I recommend checking out Healmind. They are a reputable mental health clinic with a […]


  • Understanding Common Mental Illnesses: You’re Not Alone
    Life can be stressful, and sometimes that stress builds into something more significant. If you’re feeling constantly anxious, down in the dumps, or struggling to cope with overwhelming thoughts, you might be experiencing a common mental illness. This blog series dives deep into some of the most prevalent mental health conditions, exploring their signs, symptoms, […]

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It's Fasmila, from Healmind.